About Us

Hello from the Flashpacking Family!
We’re just an ordinary family travelling part-time now that the kids are in school. We’ve visited 85 countries between us, and plan to visit a whole lot more amazing and thought-provoking places with the kids until they fly the nest.
We discovered when the kids were very young that our travels and associated family time had a positive effect on their development. We have become stronger through travel and we have not looked back. We hope that by documenting our travels here, we can inspire other families to try something similar.
Who is Jacs?
Hi! I am Jacs and I am the content creator for Flashpacking Family but first and foremost I am mum to two beautiful but crazy blonde boys. I used to work hard in a city job in London and saw a lot of the world in a whirlwind. Then I met Ed and I learned to enjoy travel at a more leisurely pace rather than ticking boxes and getting stamps in my passport.
I now enjoy wandering the world at an even slower pace with the kids and seeing a different view of it through their eyes. I love researching our destinations and have been known to put our itineraries into spreadsheets.

Jacs in our guesthouse in the beautiful city of Jaisalmer
Who is Ed?
Hi! I am Ed and I’m dad to the same beautiful but crazy blonde boys. I currently work hard as a marketing director for a travel company to enable us to go on these crazy adventures. I was born a backpacker and have worked for Hostelbookers, Travel Intelligence, Expedia and Ebookers.
I come up with the ideas for most of our travels, spending hours researching the perfect itinerary to pull together a magical trip. I like to mock Jacs on the spreadsheets but secretly I admire them.

Ed heading to the Himalayan ski resort of Solang near Manali
Who is Ernie?
Ernie is a 7-year-old football playing, pokemon hunting, blonde haired, blue eyed wonderdog. He is kind and considerate. He loves our travel adventures and is very concerned about the plastic waste problem and the welfare of the animals we meet along the way. He is a born explorer and loves his little brother George…most of the time.

Ernie exploring the caves and crevices of Petra
Who is George?
George is a 5-year-old football-playing Tasmanian devil who does not have an off button. He likes to know the answer to everything, and his favourite bedtime story is the ‘National Geographic Kids – Why?: 1,111 answers to everything’! Travelling provokes a whole lot more questions. Thank goodness for Google! He also likes snacks. Lots of snacks and is partial to a spicy chicken curry. He loves his brother Ernie…most of the time.

George learning about what makes his favourite Sri Lankan chicken curry spicy
We are the Flashpacking Family and we love to travel. Nice to meet you!
For more on us, read how a backpacking couple became the Flashpacking Family